Intro Blog: Getting Started
Hi there! My name is Ben Polsky. I am 15 years old and I attend Fort Lauderdale High School. Its very exciting to being the final task. Finding out what it was gave me great joy. I love films. Learning about the in's and out's of the filming industry has taught me so much. It has lead me up to this moment. Shooting 2 minutes doesn't seem like enough time. I have a lot to offer. But 2 minutes should suffice. I like working with like-minded folk. Sometimes I find it hard to work with people that I cannot relate too. My close friends are those that which share the same mindset as me. The same vision. I guess that is why I am their friend too. It happens that this final task has perfect timing. I just got back from a trip to the senate. It was wonderful. But the experience mostly taught me to think from other perspectives. Allowing me to be much more opened minded to new ideas.
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