Starting the film

 Today we started to film our movie. Our group has 4 members. This means that 2 members did the acting. Those were Trevor and Sydni's jobs. This left 2 members to do the filming and cinematography. That was the job of me and Ayden. We started in the middle of our film at a playground, the scene here was pretty minimal and short so it was not much acting. The filming did not last too long for those scenes. We then moved into a house. This is where most of the filming is done. Even though we didn't finish. Trevor and Sydni got some lines rehearsed and 1 or 2 scenes shot. We still have more time to film and edit so we know everything will turn out fine. Today was also the day we finalized our shots. Me and Ayden worked to make sure the camera angles looked perfect. We are best friends. We have similar visions and both could tell if something was slightly off. The shots can never be perfect. But we tried our best to make them close to perfect. I cannot wait for the next days of upcoming filming. 


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